Concurrency limit
This is the maximum number of tasks you can run concurrently in the API. If you submit more tasks than this limit, your tasks will have a status of "WAITING", indicating that the task is stored on our servers but has not been enqueued for processing. Throttled tasks will be enqueued in approximately the order that they were submitted in.
Concurrency limit example
To help you reason about how these limits work, here’s an example using some approximations.
Assume you want to generate 200 videos and you have a concurrency limit of 2:
- You can submit all 200 video request tasks at the same time. GoEnhanceAI handles the queueing logic and starts executing them in rapid fashion 2-at-a-time, in sequential order based on creation time.
- The first 2 videos finish in 5 minutes and the 3rd and 4th videos begin generating. They finish in 15 additional seconds.
- All 200 videos are complete within 5 hours (5 minutes x 200 videos / 3 concurrency).
- There is no maximum requests-per-minute limit, as long as your requests are within your maximum daily generations limit.
Last modified: 3 months ago